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A story from Vitali Nazlymov

June 2nd, 2018|

Thank you for sharing it Vitali Nazlymov Last weekend, visiting Columbus for my mother’s 70th anniversary, I made the mistake of asking Vladimir his thoughts on upcoming sabre rules changes. To my kids’ dissatisfaction, we all ended up in the gym in no time. Vladimir must have been in some pensive/pondering mode, as what followed was a series of questions. I put together this 100-second compilation to help those who are interested give it some thought on their own. Keep in mind that the underlying themes are: closer quarters, less runaway speed, more time (which allows fencers to finish a right-of-way action but will also give referees more leeway in making calls). – Bladework, is it likely to get more or less important/precise? – Footwork, will left/back foot work more or less? – Defense, will it become more of a “contact sport” / aggressive or situational? – Offense, what’s tomorrow’s effective lunge will look like? (can’t go wrong by looking at today’s greats [...]

Historical Development of Fencing Sports

June 2nd, 2018|

Historical Development of Fencing Sports The historical development of fencing parallels the advancement of human race, from the times of antiquated Egypt and Rome, to the savage Dim Ages, to the quick and exquisite Renaissance, up to the cutting edge, progressively well-known fencing of today. Fencing has dependably been viewed as more than a game; it is a work of art, an antiquated image of force and transcendence, and a profoundly individual, singular type of expression. Fencing is and dependably has been a natural piece of life, from the dueling and clash of yore to the broadly dazzling motion pictures and aspects of mainstream culture, for example, Zorro and The Princess Lady of the hour. Fencing started as the act of swordsmanship to get ready men for duels and fighting. The earliest confirmation of fencing as a game originates from a cutting in Egypt, going back to around 1200 B.C., which demonstrates a fencing session with covers, defensive weapon tips, and judges [...]

Unfolding of modern day fencing

June 2nd, 2018|

The unfolding of modern-day fencing The fifteenth century brought the beginnings of modern fencing. Spain had the first true fencers, and the first two fencing manuals were published there in 1471 and 1474, but swordplay guilds such as the Marxbruder from Germany began springing up all across Europe. About 1500 the Italians began extensive use of the Rapier. The right hand held te weapon while the left hand held a dagger (often called a Main Gauche) or buckler (a small shield), used for parrying blows. Italian Fencing Masters, such as Agrippa, who invented the four fencing positions (prime, seconde, tierce, and quarte), and masters Grassi and Vigiani, who defined the lunge which was first illustrated by Capo Ferro, became very prolific in this time. The 16th century also brought a large increase in the popularity of dueling. More noblemen at during this period were killed in dueling than in war. Queen Catherine de Médici of France had many Italian Fencing Masters come [...]

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