Fencing Fitness

/Fencing Fitness

Fencing for kids: A healthy discipline, a way of life, and a sport par excellence

The knowledge that fencing exists, is slowly, yet surely reaching far and wide. Fencing is one of the first sports to be played at the Olympics and still is a sport featuring in this leading international sporting event. The merits of fencing are noteworthy. Not many a sport come close to this one when it comes to all round development of an individual. Fencing is much more than a sport. It is a way of life. Professionals (clubs, national, international) [...]

A story from Vitali Nazlymov

Thank you for sharing it Vitali Nazlymov Last weekend, visiting Columbus for my mother’s 70th anniversary, I made the mistake of asking Vladimir his thoughts on upcoming sabre rules changes. To my kids’ dissatisfaction, we all ended up in the gym in no time. Vladimir must have been in some pensive/pondering mode, as what followed was a series of questions. I put together this 100-second compilation to help those who are interested give it some thought on their own. Keep in [...]